
Green Party in “Fringe Debate”

April 18th, 2011 at 8:14am | 2 Comments

It was reported in the National Post that Elizabeth May was “snubbing the fringe debate” and not participating in the small parties debate that was being organized.

I found out about this allegation in an unpleasant way. I was jerked from sleep to answer the phone. A reporter from the National post asked me what I think of the Greens turning down our invitation. I was sleepy enough that I began a rambling condemnation of the Greens claiming that they were hurting themselves by not participating. It was significantly less coherent than my recent op-ed.

Today I met Elizabeth May and several Green candidates from the Vancouver area. They were all pleasant and friendly, and I got the opportunity to bring up the all party panel.

It seems that the National Post reporter had called and asked the Greens if they were planning on attending the “fringe debate”. In response, the representative looked to assert that the Green party wasn’t a “fringe” party at all, looking to distance the greens from the radical political extremism implied by the term “fringe”.

I’m pleased to announce that the National Post story is incorrect, and the Greens will be represented at the meeting.

If you live in the Toronto area, please consider attending our panel.

Date: Saturday, April 23, 2022
Time: 2pm – 5pm
Place: O.I.S.E. – Auditorium G162
252 Bloor Street W.
Toronto, Ontario

Shawn Vulliez
Pirate Party of Canada

2 Responses to “Green Party in “Fringe Debate””

  1. Matthew says:

    I live in Nova Scotia but I am still really interested in this and hearing what the parties present have to say. I was wondering if there a video taken of the entire thing and if there is somewhere it will be put up so that the rest of the country has the opportunity to see it.

  2. Vulliez says:

    From my understanding, a video has been taken and it will be online soon. The locals throwing the event did not manage to wire up a live stream, to my disappointment.

    Shawn Vulliez
    Pirate Party of Canada

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