What is ACTA ( http://www.international.gc.ca/trade-agreements-accords-commerciaux/fo/intellect_property.aspx?view=d ) ? ACTA, is a treaty which Canada has already signed. The very spirit of ACTA gives governments and corporations the right to block websites displaying the leaked content, such as Wikileaks for example (but also music, images, etc) as well as all sites sharing some of that information. Those are the real intentions behind ACTA, piracy, as we all know, is unstoppable.
What is C-11 (full text here: http://parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&DocId=5144516 ) ? C-11 is Canada’s copyright modernization bill, screwing artists over big time and implementing a digital lock law. C-11′s digital lock rule also gives corporations control over your product, even after you buy it. Imagine buying a car, and not being allowed to put 60$ tires from Canadian Tire on it, but instead being forced to put 1000$ tires from their sponsor from a select garage because the wheels, even though purchased by you, have a special lock that can only be controlled by them and fit the 1000$ tires only. Removing that lock to put on the 60$ tires would be a crime. It is the same thing with digital locks, if your DVD has one, you cannot transfer the movie you own to a tablet for further viewing, if you do, you are a criminal. You must buy that movie to be played on that tablet if you want to watch it. If there is a lock on the movie stopping it from being burnt to a DVD for backup in case your tablet’s hard drive fails, you can’t; C-11 makes it illegal.
You can learn more about C-11′s effects in Canada on respected blogger and law professor Michael Geist’s post on the subject found here http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6275/125/ .
More information can also be found here ( https://www.laquadrature.net/en/ACTA )
Planned protests in Canada:
February 10th at 2pm local time, Norman Bethune Square, Guy and Maisonneuve, Downtown Montréal ( https://www.facebook.com/events/312475952131628/ )
February 11th at 12pm local time, Scarth St. Mall, Regina, Saskatchewan (by the buffalo) ( https://www.facebook.com/events/350626631628691/ )
February 11th at 6pm local time – View page for meeting place ( https://www.facebook.com/events/227729547320036/ )
February 11th at 2pm local time, Alberta Legislature Building - 107 Street and 97 Avenue by the fountain ( https://www.facebook.com/events/339062402795415/ )
February 11th Unknown time (do let us know when it is if there really is one) Square Victoria, Montreal, Québec (posted on http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=212120558776447282985.0004b7b33e16f13c710c7&msa=0 )
Can someone re-write this? It’s difficult to take a group seriously if they cant communicate effectively.
Just a couple of examples:
“have a special locked that can only be controlled by them”
“If there is a lock on the movie stopping it from being burnt to a DVD for backup incase your harddrive fails, forget that too” - I take special exception to this since its logically invalid. Why would I lose a DVD if my hard-drive fails? Wouldn’t I only lose the backup in that case? Perhaps you mean if I lost the DVD or it was damaged?
Thanks for spotting the locked mistake. It is fixed.
I also tried to clarify the 2nd point although it kinda repeats the previous sentence.
It now reads:
“If there is a lock on the movie stopping it from being burnt to a DVD for backup in case your tablet’s hard drive fails, you can’t; C-11 makes it illegal.”
Although I try to be as clear as possible, sometimes it is not so obvious for me in English.
A mysterious message coming from nowhere…