Pirate Party General Meeting
General Meeting - May 15th
Fellow Pirates,
It is time for another General Meeting. 
We now have a comprehensive policy. 
We are also urgently in need of more signatures to keep our registered party status at Election Canada. Please visit:
A General Meeting is held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8pm Eastern time. This month's meeting will be on May 15th, 2013 at our regular irc channel #canada. Our IRC server info and web interface option can be found at: https://www.pirateparty.ca/chat/
Agenda for this meeting includes:
* Approval of last meeting's minutes
* Officer's reports
* Unfinished or old business, if any
* New motions      
* Craig Nobbs to give notice of proposal to amend the constituition:
Under Article IV., the statement of "The positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary shall not be eligible to hold a position on the Political Council." be stricken so as to allow the members holding those positions to also sit on the Political Council should they be voted in as per the existing election rules.    
If you have any motion you would like to bring forward, please e-mail [email protected] or post it at our forum (now at http://www.reddit.com/r/piratepartyofcanada/) before the meeting. While prior notice is not required, introducing a motion to rescind or amend a previously adopted motion without giving prior notice would require the lesser of either: 2/3 of the votes, or majority of entire membership.
We hope to see you at the General Meeting.


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