On a related note, if PPCA does introduce the motion to support wikileak and it pass - I will leave the PPCA for good after events of cumulating sequences that led to this event
If you're going to issue the PPCA an ultimatum concerning your continued membership, you may as well leave. Ultimatums do not contribute to the pool of knowledge and information. Additionally, as mentioned previously, if any statement of support were to be made, it would need to be highly restrictive to the portion of Wikileaks that the general membership may be in support of (and that's where I think your opinions can best come to light). I'm sorry if you feel as though you're under attack on this issue, as I'm sure it is not by intent. Mikkel has taken his patient time to push in either direction on this issue, both for you and for Steve at various points. I'd appeal to you to not become passionate about this issue, one that I believe will ultimately be forgotten in everyone's eyes in a month or two, and redact your ultimatum.
Although the individual opinion is important, the PPCA will not be held captive to one individual's opinion when they threaten to quit otherwise. You're here because you want to be, and because you want to effect change within the purview of the range of issues that the PPCA covers. If you would like to have more influence, I'd recommend running for a seat on our Federal Council. If you want to be the boss, you're welcome to make a motion to have a confidence vote against Mikkel and then run for Leader, but the childish nature of putting forth the above ultimatum immediately puts me and many others well out of your camp, even if someone weren't overly impressed with your competition and may have found some of your views in the past to be interesting.
My personal view is that Wikileaks should get off the stage and hand over the microphone. Their "release" is just distracting people everywhere from the real issues that are affecting global and local economies and people. I wouldn't be surprised if Wikileaks were being fed the information purposely to distract the public from real issues, but that's a conspiracy theory and bears no basis in fact, and is why I haven't brought it up prior.
Again, Biogrand and Steve, I encourage you both to take a step back, calm yourselves, and think about whether your actions and statements are really what you want to say concerning this issue. I would also ask that you move beyond your opinions on this matter, apologize for upsetting one another, and help move the party forward with the more important tasks before us.