Mikkel Paulson
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« Répondre #15 le: 7 d�cembre 2010, 06:28:04 » |
Depends when you joined. If you joined before about 6 months ago, you would have received a second email with the PIN.
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« Répondre #16 le: 7 d�cembre 2010, 07:05:10 » |
About two weeks ago. Do I have to be a member for a certain amount of time before I can vote?
Joshua Doucet
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« Répondre #17 le: 7 d�cembre 2010, 07:44:16 » |
Nope the only time constraint is you need to have been here 3 months to become a candidate in an election.
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« Répondre #18 le: 7 d�cembre 2010, 10:36:30 » |
I received the email about the vote, but when I went to login, the page said that there was currently no vote.
Federal Clerk
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« Répondre #19 le: 7 d�cembre 2010, 10:39:41 » |
The voting will be activated tomorrow morning. The meeting is STILL in progress. Feel free to join.
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« Répondre #21 le: 8 d�cembre 2010, 07:48:24 » |
Just checking on the status of the voting. I just logged into vote.pirateparty.ca and it said there was no current vote.
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« Répondre #22 le: 8 d�cembre 2010, 08:25:42 » |
5:08pm PDT, Dec 8, 2021 - no vote at https://vote.pirateparty.ca/vote.php after logging in. Are we using the right URL?
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« Répondre #23 le: 8 d�cembre 2010, 08:28:17 » |
Just checking on the status of the voting. I just logged into vote.pirateparty.ca and it said there was no current vote.
I got the same just now -- it is especially important to get this going when the voting period has been shortened. also the emails gave instructions for finding the transcripts and minutes, but no instructions for where to vote; it was only through TinyCuts here that I was reminded to go to the vote.pirateparty.ca hostname -- I think the link could be included in the emails as a courtesy, or perhaps posted to the footer of the chat page.
Mike Bleskie
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« Répondre #24 le: 8 d�cembre 2010, 10:38:16 » |
I can certify that voting reciepts from the election are being entered into the system, and that I have destroyed any trace of the vote on my part.
Thank you to all the participants for being patient and cooperative. The admins were expecting an ugly meeting, but you all proved to be awesome.
Mikkel Paulson
Party Leader
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Localisation: Edmonton
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« Répondre #25 le: 11 d�cembre 2010, 11:57:40 » |
The results are as follows: Mikkel Paulson moved that the Pirate Party support in principle the actions of WikiLeaks, maintaining the reservation that personal information should not be needlessly compromised by leaked information 453 yes, 22 no, 12 abstainingTravis McCrea moved that the Pirate Party join in protest in support of Wikileaks and Government Transparency on January 15th along side PPAU and other pirate parties 438 yes, 20 no, 17 abstainingJoshua Doucet moved that the PPCA host a mirror for Wikileaks as described here if in the opinion of the Federal Council it is financially and legally viable 379 yes, 80 no, 19 abstainingWe will be discussing how best to proceed based on this overwhelmingly-positive mandate at the Federal Council meeting on Monday. It bears noting that the voter turnout at this meeting was an unprecedented 497, with the previous record being 166 for the leadership election in August.
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« Répondre #26 le: 11 d�cembre 2010, 11:59:01 » |
Looks like a solid volume of support. I'm interested to see how the Federal council acts but would like to see some more structured (and possibly legally robust) wording on the party platform.
My opinion on the use of "needlessly" stands that it is too ambiguous of a term.
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« Répondre #27 le: 12 d�cembre 2010, 01:30:02 » |
With the further information that has come to light even since our Dec 7th meeting, two of which being http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/12/07/wikileaks/index.html on the disinformation that abounds and also Assange's own Op-Ed piece on http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/mediadiary/index.php I think the Federal Council will be quite assured that all the concerns raised about privacy and the legality of the postings are in fact non-concerns. Assange does indeed vet these posts for personal exposures and other journalistic constraints, and in most cases he isn't even the first to post the cables, they are carried out by his media partners first and then archived by the wikileaks mirrors. Which is a good thing too because, as it turns out, there are cases of mainstream media misrepresenting the content of the cables and then failing to make the original available (see http://www.blather.net/zeitgeist/archives/2010/12/selective_publishing_of_wikile.html) which is of itself a very good reason in support of keeping the originals openly accessible online.
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« Répondre #28 le: 12 d�cembre 2010, 02:12:05 » |
happy to see the result!
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« Répondre #29 le: 12 d�cembre 2010, 05:00:02 » |
We will be discussing how best to proceed based on this overwhelmingly-positive mandate at the Federal Council meeting on Monday. It bears noting that the voter turnout at this meeting was an unprecedented 497, with the previous record being 166 for the leadership election in August. Awesome! Everyone deserves a pat on the back for participating, I'm so glad to see the amount of support wikileaks has in our party, they really are doing great work.
snuck up behind him and took his Quran - he said something about burning the Quran and I was like dude you have no Quran