Mikkel Paulson
Party Leader
PPCA Representative
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« le: 19 septembre 2010, 06:59:38 » |
We are currently seeking nominations for the following positions:
Chair (currently appointed on a per-meeting basis) The person in charge of general meetings. The chair moderates debate, establishes agendas, and can accept motions and censor disruptive attendees.
Clerk (currently Mikkel) Responsible for taking votes, publishing minutes, and keeping a record of documents and motions passed. The clerk should have sole access to voting records. Allowing directors access to this data would give us the opportunity to falsify votes. Since this information is published to the forum, it provides another good reason to remove directors from roles as forum moderators. The clerk should either have basic PHP/MySQL experience or appoint someone who does in order to maintain the technical aspects of record-keeping.
Forum moderator/IRC op (currently all of the directors) Maintains order in the forum/IRC; takes care of spam and people behaving badly. Must be level-headed, established in the community, and frequently available.
Site admin (currently Stephane) Responsible for maintaining the smooth operation of the site and server, including updates to site design and functionality and wiki maintenance.
The positions of Chair and Clerk will be elected, the others appointed by the Federal Council out of any volunteers. You may nominate yourself for any or all positions if you so choose. The permanent positions of Chair and Clerk will be elected at the October 19 general meeting.
« Dernière édition: 18 octobre 2010, 07:24:17 par Mikkel Paulson »
Forum Member
The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General
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« Répondre #1 le: 20 septembre 2010, 04:03:13 » |
I volunteer/nominate myself for the positions of Site & Server Admin and Forum Mod/IRC Op. Previous experience for Sysadmin:- Previously had sudo rights on the PPCA servers
- Helped set up WordPress, set up MediaWiki
- Sysadminned for a site that at one point handled 6 million unique hits in a month - URL withheld for personal reasons
- Seven years of Linux Systems Administration Experience
- And much, much more technical expertise I can't be arsed to list unless requested
Previous experience for Forum Mod / IRC Op:- Moderate a forum with 150,000 users (40,000 Active Users)
- Efficient with forum moderation and administration interfaces
- Capable of managing the technical aspects of an IRCd
- Familiar with IRC Operator command usage
- User of IRC for for as long as I can remember
« Répondre #2 le: 20 septembre 2010, 12:39:06 » |
I would like to volunteer for the position of Site Admin.
I have experience with Content Management Systems such as Drupal and Joomla. I am proficient with coding in PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript. I also have experience with using PHPmyadmin to manage a MYSQL database. I have used linux as a desktop for the last 7 years and have run a linux server for the last 2 years, which I have used as a testing server for various web applications that I have developed involving the manipulation of RSS feeds.
I currently working in a IT role with a large company dealing all with active directory and windows server. I am very much looking to transition to working with webservers, apache and a linux server enivronment and Site Admin would provide a great oppurtunity to gain experience which I would not take lightly.
« Dernière édition: 20 septembre 2010, 01:01:16 par JasonCarr »
Federal Clerk
PPCA Representative
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Localisation: Ottawa South
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« Répondre #3 le: 21 septembre 2010, 09:38:41 » |
I would like to volunteer as Clerk.
I'm good at organizing stuff and keeping track of things. I'm usually very attentive to conversation. I'm also used to motions and seconding, and creating summaries of information. As I'm not planning to run for any political position, directorship, or anything of the sort for a few years, I figure I'd be good in this position.
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Localisation: Grande Prairie, AB
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« Répondre #4 le: 28 septembre 2010, 12:29:36 » |
I would like to nominate myself for IRC Op
I have been with the party almost a year and been a hop in the #Canada for around 9 of those months. I have shown responsibility with my power, and believed to be trustworthy within the party which is why i believe i would be an excellent candidate for IRC Op.
Sean Hunt
Meeting Chairman
PPCA Representative
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Localisation: Waterloo
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Karma: 6
« Répondre #5 le: 3 octobre 2010, 12:43:41 » |
I nominate myself for the position of chair, on the basis that someone else will probably do it and I might as well beat them to it.
I would also like to apply for IRC operator status, as I am often in the channel and - if so elected - operator privileges would be helpful in discharging my duties. My history as chair has indicated that the party already trusts me to manage it.
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« Répondre #6 le: 14 octobre 2010, 10:38:27 » |
I will nominate myself for IRC Op as well. I have been a member of the party for over a year now, and many months ago, I was given op status on the channel simply because I am almost always there. I haven't abused my power and have shown responsibility with it.