Gord Campbell
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Localisation: Kingston, ON
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« le: 26 juillet 2010, 08:46:27 » |
I wish to put forward my name for the position of Director At Large for the Pirate Party of Canada.
I currently work as a departmental Network Administrator at Queen's University in Kingston, but trained as a photojournalist. This gives me some pretty unique insight into not just a number of technological issues, but also copyright and IP issues. I suspect that, at age 41, I'm a bit older than many members, but that also gives me the experience of having watched and participated in the growth of not just the free culture movement, but the internet in general.
We don't have a voice (other than dipper Charlie Angus) in Parliament on technological and cultural issues. The Pirate Party of Canada can be that voice on those and other connected issues.
I'm new to the party, but I'm not new to the movement and it's time I got off my behind and did something substantive. There's only so much good that can come of jousting with Tony Clement on Twitter. I can think of no better way than to jump in and help shape the future of the party.
I'm more than willing to answer any questions.
« Dernière édition: 31 juillet 2010, 07:41:52 par Sean Hunt »
« Répondre #1 le: 26 juillet 2010, 11:26:29 » |
Could you give us a run down of your previous activities in the free culture movement?
Gord Campbell
Forum Member
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Localisation: Kingston, ON
Messages: 9
Karma: 1
« Répondre #2 le: 26 juillet 2010, 12:00:18 » |
Absolutely. Very little my involvement has been in any kind of official capacity. Most of it revolves around the use and promotion of free software (assorted linux distros and other tools), but also supporting and contributing to the work of groups like the EFF.
I've become something of a bother to a couple of government MPs of late as well: I imagine that James Moore and Tony Clement are rather tired of hearing from me on various issues.
I was trained a photojournalist and was well-schooled in protecting one's copyright. But, having seen the legislation used as weapon more often than not, I've gone completely the other. I'm in the process of scanning my catalog of images and everything that makes it to my Flickr stream carries the CC-SA license.
Mike Bleskie
English PR Director
PPCA Representative
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Localisation: Ottawa (formerly Greater Sudbury)
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« Répondre #3 le: 26 juillet 2010, 02:02:48 » |
I'm very happy to hear that, and I thank you for bringing your activity to the next level. My concern with a leadership candidate is that they were too new for the position, and though there is less of a concern in a director's election, I'd just like to ask H\how long have you held party membership. Activity from the federal council will be important in this critical time, so we need to see if you have what it takes to serve in such a position. Aside from that, I have no other questions.
Gord Campbell
Forum Member
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Localisation: Kingston, ON
Messages: 9
Karma: 1
« Répondre #4 le: 26 juillet 2010, 02:10:15 » |
Ahh .. I haven't held it long enough, then. Perhaps I'll withdraw my name at this juncture and go join a committee or two. Are any in particular need of help?
Mike Bleskie
English PR Director
PPCA Representative
Wiara i wolność.
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Localisation: Ottawa (formerly Greater Sudbury)
Messages: 167
Karma: 4
« Répondre #5 le: 26 juillet 2010, 02:38:13 » |
You're able to join any committee you wish that aren't otherwise specified, and you're welcome to put your input in as many as you wish. Just post in the appropriate topic.
Mikkel Paulson
Party Leader
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« Répondre #6 le: 26 juillet 2010, 05:08:15 » |
I encourage you to keep your name on the ballot in any case. We need more candidates, and the members will decide whether or not you deserve the position.
I'd be interested to hear in more concrete terms what you can bring to the party, and in what direction you want to see us move. I would be willing to second your application if you can convince me that you would be an asset to the party.
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« Répondre #7 le: 26 juillet 2010, 07:49:16 » |
I have to ask have you considered the connotation of being named Gordon Campbell? Would there be any problems with name recognition in BC?
Concerned Citizen
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« Répondre #8 le: 27 juillet 2010, 02:26:34 » |
My only concern is a lack of activity on the boards and IRC (although I dont watch IRC too much to be honest). Then again whenever the election for this position is (is it next month or the month after that?) will give everyone ample time to get to know you.
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives. -James Madison
Gord Campbell
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Localisation: Kingston, ON
Messages: 9
Karma: 1
« Répondre #9 le: 29 juillet 2010, 02:44:48 » |
We're at an interesting juncture wrt intellectual property issues in Canada: copyright reform is on the public consciousness for the first time in more than a decade. We have a wonderful opportunity for a small group to make a very big impact on the course of these changes.
Naturally, there are obstacles: the country's being run by a party that has no respect for the political process, the pillars of government and they completely ignore any input from the electorate. The governemnt is also under tremendous pressure from the US to criminalize a wide range of activities that Canadians have legally enjoyed for years. Throw in the other external pressures from the ACTA negotiations and this would normally be a recipe for complete disaster.
But, it isn't. We're under a minority government and can likely expect to be for some time. Were this a majority, the Conservatives would be able to push through whatever legislation that they saw fit to please their American business interest friends. We can work to educate the opposition on these issues.
What will I do to get us to this point? Honestly, I have no idea. I'll start with talking: any grass-roots effort spreads through word of mouth. Talk to friends. Talk to contacts online. Talk to politicians of all levels. Engage the intransigent fools that run the government whenever and wherever I can. I'll do whatever I'm called upon for.
Mike Bleskie
English PR Director
PPCA Representative
Wiara i wolność.
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Localisation: Ottawa (formerly Greater Sudbury)
Messages: 167
Karma: 4
« Répondre #10 le: 29 juillet 2010, 04:26:09 » |
I second the nomination.
Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
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« Répondre #11 le: 29 juillet 2010, 11:07:28 » |
I realise that the nomination period has expired, however, I would like so second this nomination as well.
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
Gord Campbell
Forum Member
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Localisation: Kingston, ON
Messages: 9
Karma: 1
« Répondre #12 le: 30 juillet 2010, 09:19:30 » |
Thank you, Gentlemen.
Sean Hunt
Meeting Chairman
PPCA Representative
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« Répondre #13 le: 31 juillet 2010, 01:08:42 » |
Sorry, Gord, but the seconds did come just outside the nomination period, so I have to declare your application unsuccessful. Thanks for trying, though.