Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
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Localisation: Vancouver
Messages: 54
Karma: 15
« le: 23 juillet 2010, 06:55:58 » |
As many of you know, I am the current interim Leader of the Pirate Party of Canada. I have been heavily involved in this party, on- and off-line since June 12th last year. Since I started with the PPCA, I have seen vast changes in how things are run, I have helped accommodate many of these changes, and I have seen this Party grow from a dozen people on a clunky DIY forum to an amazingly sophisticated resource for anybody interested in our issues to come to.
I will be the first to admit that over the past few months, I have seen a steady decline in the amount of time I have to post to the forum, help out the rest of the administration team, and keep steady meetings locally. However, I would be lying if I said that it was for any reason save a lack of contiguous available time. I am working on remedying this by setting up a standardized schedule with my employers.
I am a 3D Animation and Game Design Graduate, living in Vancouver, BC. As somebody that believes that borders are becoming more and more useless, I have put a lot of energy into linguistics and cultural studies in the past. I now speak English and Japanese fluently, as well as Conversational Swedish, and I can read French, Spanish, Italian and Basic Latin.
As somebody so intertwined with my world's culture, I have to be the first one to realise how much we stand to lose if it gets locked away. I have held many a late night discussion with members of my family regarding everything from the Softwood Lumber Agreement to C32, as I learned about politics throughout my childhood and well into my teens. My family are all very politically motivated, and with my cousin being an Ethics and Philosophy Professor at the University of Victoria, I have had a unique lifestyle generated by not living in a state of apathy.
I have previously stated my platform in the recent Candidate Elections. Those of you who helped vote me in understand that I will stand by my word. As such, I would like to emphasis to everybody else, that I believe that a man is only as good as his word, which is why I do everything within my power to make sure I never break it.
I have been your leader over the past interim period, not by choice, but because we needed somebody to step up to the plate. I stepped up when nobody else would. Now its your turn, stand up, vote, and no matter what happens, I'll still do everything in my power to make sure this party succeeds in everything it takes on. I'll do everything I can, because I gave my word that I would.
I'm not going to ask you to vote for me, I'm going to ask you to vote for who you think will help get this party through the times ahead. Vote for who you believe in.
I would also like to note that I am very happy that Mikkel has decided to run against me, as it is a sign that democracy, proper democracy will soon be at work.
With that, good luck Mikkel.
Thank you all for your support.
« Dernière édition: 31 juillet 2010, 01:13:06 par Sean Hunt »
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
Mikkel Paulson
Party Leader
PPCA Representative
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Localisation: Edmonton
Messages: 980
Karma: 18
« Répondre #1 le: 23 juillet 2010, 07:15:30 » |
Thanks for the support, Jake. I, too, encourage members to vote for the candidate who they feel would be the most positive driving force for the party.
In the spirit of internal democracy and fair competition, I gladly second your application for leadership.
« Dernière édition: 26 juillet 2010, 03:23:46 par Mikkel Paulson »
Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
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Localisation: Vancouver
Messages: 54
Karma: 15
« Répondre #2 le: 23 juillet 2010, 07:16:49 » |
Thank you Mikkel, I would have done the same for you had I not been beaten to the punch.
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
Steve Henderson
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« Répondre #3 le: 23 juillet 2010, 08:58:38 » |
PPCA Representative
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« Répondre #4 le: 23 juillet 2010, 11:37:06 » |
I second it too
Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
Hors ligne
Localisation: Vancouver
Messages: 54
Karma: 15
« Répondre #5 le: 24 juillet 2010, 12:59:35 » |
I believe that makes three?
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
PPCA Representative
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Messages: 96
Karma: 5
« Répondre #6 le: 24 juillet 2010, 12:28:03 » |
Just for the sake of it, here's another endorsement 
Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
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Localisation: Vancouver
Messages: 54
Karma: 15
« Répondre #7 le: 27 juillet 2010, 12:43:16 » |
I would also like to add an Application for Director at Large to my current application under the same platform and ideals.
Thank you.
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
Mikkel Paulson
Party Leader
PPCA Representative
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Localisation: Edmonton
Messages: 980
Karma: 18
« Répondre #8 le: 27 juillet 2010, 01:32:39 » |
I'll second that, as well.
Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
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Localisation: Vancouver
Messages: 54
Karma: 15
« Répondre #9 le: 1 ao�t 2010, 05:25:05 » |
I would ask that if anybody has any questions for me, that they email me at [email protected] or post here. Thank you for your time.
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
Jay Frank
« Répondre #10 le: 1 ao�t 2010, 05:41:59 » |
I'd love to read your ideas and see your visible participation in the CRTC consultations on "Obligation To Serve". https://www.pirateparty.ca/forum/index.php?topic=339.0Thank you in advance for your time. Jay
The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. -Plato
Jake Daynes
Private Investigator
PPCA Representative
Jake - Über Cool in his PPCA kit.
Hors ligne
Localisation: Vancouver
Messages: 54
Karma: 15
« Répondre #11 le: 4 ao�t 2010, 10:40:49 » |
Below are my answers to the consultation, I will also be posting them in the main thread.
1st question:
I believe that as technology adapts, our needs adapt along with it, as well as our expectations. At the same time, I am completely against the sense of entitlement many consumers have in regards to private services. I feel that a balance needs to be struck between our expectations and needs in regards to such services, considering that many providers are private companies now. I believe that aside from a basic foundation, regulators should be completely removed from decisions made by private corporations. e911 services as well as nationwide services should be available to all, considering the vast increases in technology since the last time this kind of framework was restructured. I am a firm believer that borders are slowly losing their purpose, considering the advent of the internet in its current form, people are increasingly innovating and finding ways to make a living using this incredible resource. I believe that high speed internet connections for all Canadians is the next step to helping keep Canada up to date with other international entities. Countries such as Spain and Finland have already made broadband access a universal right. As far as access to a local directory, I feel that with the internet in the state it is today, it would be more environmentally sound ideology to remove the necessity, though allow them to be ordered for no charge, of such directories.
2nd question:
I am a firm believer in the Free Market ideology. As such, I believe that private corporations should be free to make their own decisions in regards to how they run their business as long as this does not go against any Canadian laws. However, I understand that many Canadians rely on broadband service to make their way in life. I therefore feel that a basic framework needs to be laid down in regards to making sure that if a corporation services multiple areas, all of their clients, regardless of area, are given the same service. I also believe that in the name of competitive markets, regulations restricting foreign corporations from entering the Canadian market should be adjusted to make it more likely for said corporations to move their business to Canada. I do not believe that any regulator board should be able to impact the operations of a business unless they present a threat to consumers, employees of the corporation or to Canadian interests.
3rd question:
The three topics in the title of this post outline the only things holding mobile devices from taking over the communication market in Canada. We currently pay some of the highest mobility rates, and are given a minimum amount of features that the rest of the world takes for granted. Our cellular technologies are so behind the times its laughable, up until last year the majority of Canadians were still on the outdated dinosaur CDMA and we have yet to get a 4G network in Canada. This results in horrible service in various parts of the country, and even dead zones in certain areas of towns and cities. We also do not have near enough nationwide providers to choose from, and this is because of Bell and Telus looking at a merger, along with their child companies, koodo and Solo mobile giving the illusion of choice to consumers. Wind Mobile and Mobilicity entering the market is a start, but neither carrier is close enough to becoming nationwide to be a viable choice. As such, cell phones are not ready to take over the telecommunication market in Canada and should not be considered a viable replacement.
4th question:
I believe that at this stage of Canada's technological history wireless data such as 3G and public wifi can only be considered supplementary. In no way is our infrastructure large enough, nor is it capable of supporting the large amount of traffic that making it our internet backbone would require. Once the wireless infrastructure is expanded and upgraded to handle as much bandwidth requirements as our current land based services can, then it will be suitable for such things, though cost will also need to come down. Canadian's currently pay 3rd most out of 30 modern countries in a study by an independent company. (OECD)
5th question:
As a private member of the Pirate Party of Canada and the current interim Leader of the Party, I am actively involved in social politics and the formation of a political party whose platform is based almost solely on its constituents. The internet has made this possible. It has brought together thousands of Canadians all looking for a change from the big four, and allows Canadians to make their voice heard. I also use it as part of my private occupation, as a technical support representative for a leading real estate software company. In my spare time I am actively involved in online activities, from international communication with family and friends overseas to helping small businesses with web security concerns. The internet is an indispensable part of modern living.
I thank you for your question and hope that this gives you sufficient incite into my views regarding such matters.
Jake Daynes
From Port to port, From Sea to Sea Your rights matter, You matter. Vote Pirate
Forum Member
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Karma: 1
« Répondre #12 le: 21 ao�t 2010, 08:01:06 » |
Not that you need it, /endorse
Vancouver - East