I feel a strong wind of closemindedness in this thread.
Satire rarely works for politicians, show me one time when satire was used by a party to good effect in contemporary Canadian politics, not including off-the cuff, spur of the moment remarks by politicians.
1) Why does something have to have been done before to be worth doing? It's clear to me that you're grasping at straws here, and you don't have any sort of logical reason to toss satire to the side altogether. Show me one time there has been a party called the pirate party that was in contemporary Canadian politics. Show me one time that there was an oil spill that was as big as the gulf oil spill before the gulf oil spill. Show me one time in contemporary Canadian politics where a prime minister spent a billion dollars to try to keep people from protesting a private meeting of world leaders. Show me one time that there was (one of anything) before (the first time that thing happened).
2) When you request a use of satire using only criteria like that, it's because you want me to not be able to respond with an answer. But I motion that your inclusion of those limiting terms shows that you know there is examples of parties using satire in contemporary politics to success. And you know that there are off the cuff remarks by Canadian politics that were effective that could be considered satirical.
The Rhinos make fun of themselves. Serious parties do not.
You've got a stick up your butt, Mikkel. And I say this because this forum is not open to the public.
And feel free to censor it if you want to. I am serious, I think there is something you can learn from what I say. But I know you're coming into this from a negative mindset because I accused you of having a stick in your butt. I would like you to forget the pain of that remark, and come into this with a learning attitude. I have the best interests of the party at heart here, even if you disagree with me. Dissent is the strongest form of patriotism, right?
You are obsessed with being serious, and it's going to be your downfall. I know you aren't running currently, but if you run as you are you are faced with several things. 1) No one caring or listening to what you say, because you seem bland. In your efforts to be palatable and non-offensive, you're going to blend in with the many other people who want to win the seat. All of you seem bland and powerless. 2) No one is going to vote for you, or learn anything from you knocking on their door or what-have-you. Because of the first thing.
This is not a personal attack, this is an attack of policy. I see it on pirate party everywhere. We're forgettable as hell and we aren't getting any word out to anyone. Our userbase is small when it could be large.
When you compare the ideas of members to the Rhino party, and seek to distinguish us from them as a serious party, you're being really foolish. I really think so.
The whole point of the rhinocerous party was the satire. No one is suggesting that the pirate party turn into a satirical party. We still have our issues, and we can still stand for them.
We're suggesting that we embrace the things that make us unique, use internet culture to our advantage, and use satire to make our message resonate.
Aren't you aware of that business trick? If you can make them laugh, you've got their attention. I read somewhere that if you make someone laugh it makes them more trusting of you, but I can't source that. Either way, it's worth considering that the best we can do is get exposure for the cause moreso than ourselves.
What we need to tell the people:
-information is a right, and the internet should be considered a library of all information.
-what net neutrality is and how it affects them.
-what digital soveriegnty is and how it's worthwhile
-the motives of the supporters of C-32
-even if they don't vote for us, they should vote third party
we need to do it in an entertaining way, they need to be engaged, and we need to tap into the massive amount of people who aren't voting by essentially saying to them
"why should we stop sharing if it makes everyone feel good? You love it, right? Isn't protecting that wonderful internet worth going to the voting booth for?"