I swear, somebody reading the PPCA website must think we're absolute corporate shills for megacorporations...right there on our front page, we cheerfully display the logos for Twitter and Facebook, encouraging people to use them to follow our intellectual-property-freedom-and-pro-privacy mandate...
It's like offering free meals at Burger King for anybody who joins PETA, or suggesting that people who call suicide hotlines can save money when purchasing a bathtub and toaster together...
Could we perhaps NOT give free advertising and encouragement for those megasites that "retain the right to sell information collected about you to third parties and interested individuals, and to hold the exclusive copyright on anything you post on the site". I know I, for one, would sleep better knowing that we were doing our part to ensure the internet is
not a homogeny controlled by three super-powerful corporations who trample everybody else's rights and freedoms.