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Mikkel Paulson
Party Leader
PPCA Representative

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Localisation: Edmonton
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Karma: 18

« le: 25 octobre 2010, 12:42:49 »

We're currently running a by-election in Winnipeg North, and we're looking for volunteers from across Canada who might be interested in getting involved in the campaign. If you'd like to participate, reply here with any skills you might have to offer and hopefully we can put you to work. Smiley

Alternatively, you can contact candidate Jeff Coleman directly at [email protected] or 1-877-850-PPCA (850-7722) ext. *200.
« Dernière édition: 17 novembre 2010, 01:01:06 par Mikkel Paulson »
Steve Henderson
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« Répondre #1 le: 27 octobre 2010, 04:07:08 »

 What is some work you need done?

Jeff Coleman
Forum Member

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Localisation: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Messages: 12
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« Répondre #2 le: 27 octobre 2010, 05:45:32 »

Hi Steve,

Thanks for asking!  Are you in Winnipeg, or elsewhere? Edit:  Looking at your post history, I'm guessing you're in Calgary.  Some important things that members across Canada can do for the campaign include:

If you're socially well-connected:
-contact friends and potential members in Winnipeg who may not yet have become active but would be impressed and mobilised by the fact that the Pirate Party is running an actual candidate not only in their country but in their city, that as the first candidate to run in the country it will set the tone for further campaigning in the public eye, and that they can have an immediate and real impact on the outcome of that election.
-explain to people that although physical help and involvement is the most important thing you can also play a meaningful part in the success of this campaign through contributing financially (and even small contributions count.  $7 can buy 100 full-page flyers).  It will be next week before we will have the official campaign bank account set up but it's never too early to start preparing people for the importance of this campaign to the party.
-mobilise more people in your local circle of contacts to become members and do everything in this post.  There are a lot of people out there who think the Pirate Party is cool but would rise to whole new level of involvement once they know we are actually fielding a candidate.

If you're artistically/design inclined:
-Create campaign posters and other graphics designed both for online use and for print.  We haven't finalised the slogans but more ideas never hurt, especially if you can present them well.  Innovation and creativity is what we're all about!

If you're handy with media editting
-Create video content about the Pirate Party's core issues or for the campaign to be shared on the official youtube channel and tweeted/facebooked.  Be creative--remix existing content, create your own--just keep it clean!  We're not interested in attack ads or back-biting (except possibly if it were deeply satirical like Winnipeg's now-famous FOPATKITFOC ad)

If you have good search skills:
-Find and identify key locations where political information specifically for Winnipeg is found by regular people (community forums, pundit sites, blogs) so that we can keep them informed and in the loop.
-Find videos, content, and current events related to the central message of the Pirate Party that can be tweeted on the official campaign twitter account #PegNorthPirate and posted on the Facebook page "Winnipeg North Pirate Party"
-Identify materials, especially Winnipeg-specific, that could potentially be remixed, mashed up, or otherwise used in creative ways for the campaign
-Identify key people, community forums, organisations, and events in Winnipeg that an effective campaign will connect with either offline or online.  More is better--it's easy to filter through them according to the particular way we go.  Specifically you should know that with my personal plan to run a Listening Campaign there are a lot of pro-democracy, pro-vote, pro-involvement groups and people we can work with to engage people who otherwise wouldn't care about an election

If you're an innovative thinker, or just have a thought strike you:
-Contribute more ideas for this list Smiley  Open source ftw!

-Follow the official campaign accounts, like the pages and posts, join the facebook groups, and SHARE SHARE SHARE like the good pirates you are Smiley

tl;dr: whatever you can think of.  Pirates are an innovative group!

Thanks so much!  It's only together that we'll be able to do this and make a genuine impact here for the election.

Jeff Coleman
« Dernière édition: 4 novembre 2010, 02:07:27 par Jeff Coleman »
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« Répondre #3 le: 27 octobre 2010, 07:44:20 »

Does your campaign have a youtube account yet? In Calgary we just finished our municipal election and it would be wise of us to learn from Naheed Nenshi's highly successful mayoral campaign. Nenshi, among other things, made a bunch of youtube videos which made the rounds across Calgary-based forums and other internet gathering places.

What will become essential for your campaign is to show voters the rest of your platform, not just the core PPCA stuff. Publishing a bunch of youtube video describing your platform may be the trick to that. I would be happy to help administer the youtube account as well as help research talking points for your platform.
Jeff Coleman
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Localisation: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Messages: 12
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« Répondre #4 le: 28 octobre 2010, 03:16:14 »

Hi Jason--it's just being launched for the public, but the youtube account is PegNorthPirate, as is the twitter account, and the Facebook page is Winnipeg North Pirate Party.  Youtube content is an excellent point, and I've amended the list above to include it since it had gotten left out.  By the far the most important youtube content to attract once the campaign is fully launched after Monday will be youtube videos of normal Winnipeg Northers talking about Pirate Party issues and other issues they think are important in their community.

« Dernière édition: 4 novembre 2010, 03:44:00 par Jeff Coleman »
Jeff Coleman
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Localisation: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Messages: 12
Karma: 2

« Répondre #5 le: 9 novembre 2010, 04:31:34 »

Hey all--I'm holding an in person volunteers meeting at 646 Mountain Avenue this Thursday, 6pm.  Would love to see any members/lurkers who haven't already confirmed there.  Come on out!

Jeff Coleman
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