
The Pirate Party of Canada strives to reform Canadian information laws to meet the needs of the new century. We are supporters of free culture, transparent and accountable government, and engaging democracy.

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PRESS RELEASE: Pirate Party to provide secure browsing services to protect Canadians from potential Conservative majority

During the 2011 revolution in Tunisia, internet access was monitored and censored, and popular networking sites like Facebook and Twitter were blocked. Dissidents relied on secure browsing services to access the full internet. In support of the people of Tunisia, the Pirate Party of Canada launched its own VPN service to provide them with free …

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The Cybersecurity Act 2009 now effective

If you thought the “3 strikes” law was awful, you probably haven’t heard of the Cybersecurity Act of 2009. That amendment was voted in by the US Senate this month and basically gives the government in place the authority to “shutdown” the Internet. That’s right, it is now possible for the government to close down …

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Protect our tubes!

All Canadians,

We have only a short time left before the decision on whether or not to appeal a CRTC decision that could cripple our net access is made.

I urge all of you to go to http://consumersforinternetcompetition.com/ and send out letters either self-written, or the template letter provided.

This could be our last chance …

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