Winnipeg, MB – July 18th –The Pirate Party is excited the NDP and Liberal party have finally realized that which we’ve known since our founding 6 years ago: Canada needs electoral reform. Sadly, the proposals by the two parties are shallow pandering attempts which avoid what Canadians really want: Real proportional representation and a system that allows Canadians to be engaged.
The Pirate Party’s electoral reform policy is first and foremost to increase the public’s input and to force government to be responsive; to preserve our electoral integrity by repealing the (Un)Fair Election Act and removing the giant new financial loopholes barely reported and left unnoticed by the public. The Fair Election Act would lead to a U.S. style long, expensive Super PAC campaign where the party or candidate with the wealthiest supporters has the best chance at winning. We need to end the Americanization of Canadian politics. To protect our democracy and provide equal voices to all Canadians, we propose equal free advertising time on major broadcast and communication media for all parties.
To even the playing field and to truly represent the constituents, we also believe in making it fairer for the independent candidates to be able to build on past successes. Allowing them to start where they left off reduces the advantage the established political parties have over them.
Online voting is reckless and undemocratic; it removes the complete anonymity and coercion-free environment of current polling booths. There is no way to guarantee proper voting conditions with an online voting system. The Pirate Party will restore the per-vote subsidy, which is a great equalizer because it ensures more competition and candidates choices that would spur more innovation, as opposed to complacency and stagnation in our politics. The per-vote subsidy costs little, and ensures every Canadian has an equal voice regardless of financial standings.
Canada needs a responsible implementation and selection of a new proportional electoral system.
We also support increasing the independence and expanding the power of electoral commissioner to investigates and prosecute electoral and spending fraud and any attempts to disenfranchise voters, including instances similar to or worse than last election’s robocall fraud and Dean Del Maestro fraudulent election spendings scheme.
Lastly, but most importantly, we propose a new Constituents-Representatives-Interaction-System (CRIS) to deal with broken election promises and the lack of accountability and transparency in governing. This will also increase voter engagement and prevent apathy by empowering and giving the people real voices and input into votes and issues as they happen.
For full details, please see our policy blog on “Electoral Reform and Open Democracy System” at:
The Pirate Party is a federal political party that breaches the traditional political labels and believes that our democracy needs an upgrade. We believe in protecting the public interest and its fundamental rights, and protecting freedoms and privacy in the digital age and beyond. This includes creative and innovative freedom, right to a decent life, and open access to information. You can find out more online at .